What we do
Our vision is to see all local young people, who are struggling with their mental health and wellbeing, living fulfilled, thriving and hopeful lives.
We have 3 main ways in which we currently help local young people:
Personalised 1 to 1 Youth Counselling – offering you a chance to talk with a Counsellor.
Community Mentoring – a trusted mentor to offer a listening ear and to help you work out your next steps.
Support Groups – these include:
a. Workshops during school holidays supporting wellbeing through physical activity, relaxation, giving to others, and learning new skills
b. Young Mum’s support.
NHS - 5 Ways to Wellbeing (a helpful guide for young people):
Learn new skills – find something that interests you. Your confidence will grow as you build up your knowledge and skill.
Be aware of the present (Mindfulness) – pay attention to the sights, sounds, smells, and tastes around you. It takes your mind off the future, helps you live in the moment, and to enjoy what you have, right now.
Be physically active – play a sport, go walking, dance, cycle. It’s good for your physical health and your mental health. It creates a positive mood change too.
Be Connected – meet up with friends, talk with family members, join a group and socialise. These all build up your resilience through a strong support network that helps you, and you in turn can help others.
Give to others – kindness and giving to others is a proven way of building up wellbeing. From a simple thank you, or small act of kindness, through to volunteering regularly to help in your community. It all makes you feel good and increases your self-esteem, which is great.
“The hardest thing I have ever done was to sign up and get help. I’m glad I did. My life is finally turning around”
Outcomes for funders and parents
Outcomes achieved through Personalised Programmes and Group Support include:
Gaining an understanding of their uniqueness / value
Lowering of stress and anxiety
Developing hope for the future
Building their aspirations
Improving decision making skills
Setting life goals, and working towards them
Learning tools for improving communication with friends and family
Healthier lifestyles including good sleeping, exercise, and eating routines, and taking up hobbies
“She’s a different person, thank you so much. Her mentor has been amazing.”